My Lastest
- Pournima Barhate
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I took a yearlong break at college last year, to which my logical brain ridiculed me but the emotional one was in full support. Voicing my thoughts at home was never an issue, but the idea of wasting a year seemed dreadful and I wondered how my parents are ever going to listen to something crazy like this.
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Exactly a year back, I was jumping around simply by the idea of staying on train for 15 days! Yes! To live a Life On Wheels!
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As the day of departure neared, nervousness started creeping over Anamika. This was her first trip alone in India, where she wouldn’t be with her bestie, like the trip before. The unknown language and hence the hindrance in communication worried her.
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It all started when the co-passenger, Rheena broke the silence between them… Saying, “You’ve got lovely eyes.” The compliment was very common for her. Yet Anamika blushed, and turned pink but continued cleaning her spectacles.
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Being the virtual social butterfly I am, it was rather a drastic step to cut contacts through Facebook and WhatsApp. The once addicted me, believed it was terribly hard to give up the two things I love the most. But down below, deep in my heart, I knew it was necessary.
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The phone kept ringing. Once. Twice. Thrice. No answer. Anamika decided to try one last time. The call was answered the fourth time. “Who’s this calling so late?”, a visibly irritated woman was on the the other side. Anamika felt numb to be answered by a female voice. She wondered if she had dialled the right digits. She kept quiet.
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A person from the gathered crowd came ahead and opened the white car’s driver seat door. Anamika couldn’t miss the sight of the badly injured driver. She could see a pool of blood inside the car at the driver’s feet.
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The crash resonated in the air as if it happened a million times over and over again. Anamika couldn’t believe what had just happened. Varun was equally perplexed. Anamika’s fear of being wrongly touched by him was replaced with number of bruises. Her knees hurt with the sudden impact.
Read more- Pournima Barhate
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Anamika kept looking out of the window. A sign board particularly caught her attention; “Speed thrills…but kills…” Her mind went blank for a long moment. She couldn’t focus on the area outside. It all felt alien. The cool air from the air conditioner choked her. She opened the window, to let some fresh air seep..
Read more- Pournima Barhate
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Anamika looked back in shock, when an unknown hand reached her shoulder. It certainly was Varun trying some silly tricks on her. It failed to amuse her, similarly how the magnificence of the lobby failed to impress her. She hurried out of the main entrance. Varun handed the valet slip and they waited for the..
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