My Lastest
- Pournima Barhate
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A lazy sunday afternoon, i sat by my laptop whiling away my time. Had a pile of assignments waiting for me, yet my mind wandered miles away. Not even a month ago, my life had taken an unexpected turn. I cannot describe how i was feeling. Certain. Relieved. Peaceful. Light. Loved and cherished. I probably..
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There are days when you just prefer being left alone. You neither can neglect your emotions nor face them. Just a hanging-in-between it is.. Life is going wonderfully well, when you’re sudden jolted back due to some happening. And its like never before, the way you see things. Probably too glad to be simply alive..
Read more- Pournima Barhate
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I was literally ‘running’ half n hour late..Tho I was pretty sure he wouldn’t mind it today, as he would be having the gift he had promised me a month ago. Just a month passed by, and our relation was like never before. Difficult to be named. Difficult to grasp by others. For only two of us..
Read more- Pournima Barhate
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The neglected pile of letterheads were back on my table! Splash of colours to add to it. Letters had always been dear to me. In fact they are responsible in developing me as a person i am now. An integral part of life, which was rather missing for past few months. Writing someone after ages..
Read more- Pournima Barhate
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A wilted yellow rose fell off my cupboard when i hastily opened to grab my diary. It had been ages since i had complained to her about the behaviour of dear ones near me. That yellow rose preserved by someone special lied in my shelf, waiting for its turn to hit the dustbin. I was..
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After the hectic week of submissions, finally, on one afternoon, i decided to clean up my unkempt room. It was rather neglected over a month now, and looked worse than an old store house. With riot of colours n thermocol flying from every corner of the room. Thousands of used, unused, coloured, xeroxed, crumpled, stamped..
Read more- Pournima Barhate
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My most favourite remedy to kick start a remote was to hit it with any random thing.. the pencil cell got off its place, and rolled onto ground.. i glared at it totally annoyed, for my favorite program was interrupted and there was just no one to be blamed.. how one tends to like blaming onto someone else, even..
Read more- Pournima Barhate
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for a few days, i wished to write my feeling out. but had this strange resistance so as to not let anyone peep inside the darker sides of me. for it won’t be as delightful as the smile i might be roaming around with. i too have a heart that feels and bruises the loved(!)..
Read more- Pournima Barhate
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Returning early from college, it was my habit to listen to radio while having lunch. today’s accounts lecture had put me to sleep as always. being perceived as the scholar guy, i was excused by the teacher! radio had old hindi bollywood songs playing, and lunch was pretty peaceful and enjoyable in spite of being alone. it..
Read more- Pournima Barhate
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Hiding behind the computer screen..i could remember all the nights spent together..long awaited and beloved nightouts…innumerable memories lingered by..they day which i’d never remember we became three most amazing friend with the entry of this beautiful girl in my life.. she was little shy sister of one girl coming to play…who held tight onto her..
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