My Lastest
- Pournima Barhate
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I have always been a staunch supporter of giving without withholding, and unconditionally. Having grown up in this world where ‘giving’ unconditionally is one of the highest virtues. Until one fine day, I realized I seem to feel an endless void within me. I was blissfully oblivious to the idea of filling my cup, before pouring it out.
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A year older. A year wiser. A bygone year, which summed up a lot of learning that had loose strings left to be tied together. Somewhere, I knew this was coming, and hence I did wait patiently to give it all the time.
Read more- Pournima Barhate
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Every child has dreams that she wishes to fulfil in her life. As years pass by, the child is often told by well-meaning adults around how certain dreams are not meant to be fulfilled but can adorn my diary. Daydreaming too, is rarely taken seriously.
Read more- Pournima Barhate
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The day I’d enter your world,Time will stand still and I will,Enjoy each and every moment,To know every being that’s concerned! That day will be full of bright lights,Sunshine that’ll vanish the dark,I will sit wondering, if the day’s really come!?So glad to know after all it’s all REAL! Everyone will bless us for,The holy..
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