My Lastest

- Pournima Barhate
- 4 Comment
There is something about the monsoon that pushes to go for deep cleansing. Have wash some wounds out that often get brushed under the rug. The melancholic feeling hard to get off the back. We feel like turning back time and making a few different choices. Changing the course of life. If only that was possible.
Hoping for a different life is merely a disrespect for the one that we currently have. Of all the bold decisions we still manged to take, we do often feel like knowing a little better. Or having acted a little braver.
Amidst all these things happening around, I’ve realised having respect for oneself and others is a habit one has to diligently develop. It takes forever to build up respect that could be lost in an heat of argument. People expect us to get to their level & get dirty fighting with them. Maintaining silence is an act of respect. For oneself and even towards them. No argument really gives us a license to speak ill to and about someone, not knowing where they come from.
Even though giving benefit of doubt comes naturally to me, it doesn’t mean I can’t be nasty with my words, which often makes me regret later. It’s embarrassing to simply come face to face with my own demons, when they rule my mind.
The self-love that I talk of, is often a constant reminder to accept myself with all my flaws and at the same time ensure I act from the space of love towards myself and others. If talking bad to someone hurts me in long run, I’d rather choose silence. If holding wrong thoughts in my mind makes me feel guilty, I’d choose to think better. It’s definitely not a one time act, but needs to be reminded almost every moment. Even as I type this, I know so many apologies that never found their way home.
Being in the moment is one of the most profound acts of loving oneself. I am definitely not a saint to feel peaceful and blissful always. I have moments (more often than not), when I want to punch people in their faces. But I don’t. That control is something that I realise now, has been helping me grow and evolve.
Making better choices in the given moment is all that we have control on! ❤️
August 6, 2020 /
I can identify with what you’re saying …. have seen Nadir in the choice of words during fights and burned in remorse later …
Very difficult to maintain silence when you are being wronged . Or atleast that is your perception
Sometimes , not speaking out gives a wrong message of silent acceptance..
August 6, 2020 /
Indeed! Maybe it is a delicate dance of knowing when to be silent and when to stand our ground and speak up!
Either ways, I feel respect needs to be maintained. (Which again is extremely difficult while arguing)
August 7, 2020 /
Every word of this resonated so well! It’s a huge struggle to choose between the two.
August 7, 2020 /
True that! 🙂