My Lastest

- Pournima Barhate
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“There is so much love in your heart that you could heal the entire planet. But just for now let us use this love to heal you.”
-Louise L. Hay , You Can Heal Your Life
As I begin to talk about one of my favourite book of all times, my heart is brimming with so much joy! I must’ve been an early teenager, when I found this book in our home library. It’s been quite a journey ever since.
At that time, I was finding it really hard to digest the radical ideas that were being shared in the book. It dropped each and every responsibility right into my lap. I couldn’t blame or complain anymore, for I was told by the book, that I was the only person responsible for each and every experience I was having in my life. How could loving myself change the way people behave with me? Or transform my health or finances or success?
Many of the ideas I did choose to dismiss, but one stuck by. The mind-body connection. And how our thoughts and emotions manifest in our bodies (and experiences) as dis-eases. Which by my teenage (rebel) logic, meant, there was no need whatsoever to take any medicine for any disease/medical condition. I used to get recurrent migraine attacks during that time, and I’d pop painkillers like candies. Way more than a prescribed adult dose. Even for common cold, or viral I’d immediately take medicines and alike. The only change I did around that time, was to stop taking medication.
Like a drug addict (quite literally), I probably showed withdrawal symptoms. Migraine attacks were almost an every day affair. While that eventually got cleared, other issues surfaced, and life has only kept getting me more clarity on the way. Even after 15 years without any medication, life continues to unravel jewels hidden underneath.
For most people, this book has served and has lovingly guided through each and every aspect of their lives, and I’m definitely not any exception. Right from my non-existant love life, to health, finances, success, follwoing my dreams, and mainly being responsible for each and every choice I make. Good or bad, but taking entire ownership for each of my step is what the book has always taught me.
The beautiful learning about self-love, self-acceptance, forgiveness and above all watching the words that we say, and thoughts that we think. It has also taught me the importance of the words that we casually speak, about experiences, people and most importantly, ourselves. We often make fun of ourselves, to sound and pretend humorous, while we are in fact projecting our greatest insecurities. Mindless gossiping. One thing I’ve been diligently working on, was to stop criticising myself. For a person like me, who has only known to criticise and be judgmental for most of my life till date, it was almost sitting like a doorkeeper and keep a watch on what thoughts and words are entering and walking around my mind.
With this book, I’ve been learning to treat my mind, my life, and my environment positive and high vibe. Which needed some drastic choices over the years. Releasing some toxic relationships, habits and alike. A lot still needs to be done, and I feel the process shall always be ongoing. Releasing one thing after another.
Having said all that, I’ve learnt one priceless thing, that I am Divinely guided to do anything and everything in life, and wherever I am in life, is the perfect place to be. Wherever I choose to move, is totally upto the choices and decisions I take in every present moment. It is me, and only me, who gets to decide what kind of experiences I have in my life. And at the same time, how to respond to the incidents that happen around me. It has helped me move from a state of helplessness, to that of empowerment and I feel that’s all that one needs to learn. To gain the power back into their own hands.
“Love is the greatest healing power I know. Love can heal even the deepest and most painful memories because love brings the light of understanding to the darkest corners of our hearts and minds.”
-Louise L. Hay , You Can Heal Your Life
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