My Lastest

- Pournima Barhate
- 1 Comment
“An epiphany enables you to sense creation not as something completed, but as constantly becoming, evolving, ascending. This transports you from a place where there is nothing new to a place where there is nothing old, where everything renews itself, where heaven and earth rejoice as at the moment of creation.”
-Abraham Isaac Kook
When Bliss jumps right into our lap, we often wonder why have we even been miserable ever before. Having walked on eggshells all my life, taking a stance, and owning up a moment as my own has never been easy, considering my cautious nature. It has all been learnt way recently and bettered with each passing day. A sense of carefree attitude, that I’d have easily passed as being reckless before.
I have starting to understand that wallowing in our miseries has been way easier than standing tall in our victories. I remember reading somewhere, that the victor stands alone, and probably that is the reason we fear standing up for ourselves and for others around us. Unless we are okay being the victor, in the room. The magical happenstances have recently been the new normal. Every day seems to have interesting new events coming up, to chisel any blunt edges, and creating beautiful facets to my beaing. Shining bright, with every beam of sunlight coming my way.
Since last evening, I couldn’t stop thinking of this wondrous place I visited a few years back. The feeling I’m experiencing right now seems somewhat similar. Watching the rays of light pass through coloured glass, is a beauty and grandeur of a different order altogether. Romancing with the art and literature has always fascinated me since childhood. I cannot imagine my life, or anyone’s life for that matter, without the touch of madness that art gives them. It may be anything seemingly insignificant. Someone can find their joy in the coloured wings of a butterfly, or someone might find them through the rose windows.
I find certain personalities colourful and spending time with them feels like a joy filled splashing of colours all around us. Having met energy vampires all my life, the recent experiences of rendezvousing with brilliant minds and hearts is something I would fondly dream of. I have people I can literally count on my fingertips, who help me walk energised, and not feeling life sucked out of me. And believe me, that is a blessing you cannot thank enough.
While I seem busy leading quite an happening life of various degrees, I realise through these encounters with moments of magic, how dearly I am being loved and eternally blessed by the Divine Grace or the Universe. Whatever you may call the Higher Power. The moment we question, even for a brief incident if our sufferings would ever end, we feel revered by the superpower in ways we couldn’t even imagine in our wildest dreams. They always have grand scheme of plans ready to be unrolled.
I often get raised brows, when I incessantly speak about positivity. I also know, it annoys a good lot of people. But what good is it to annoy people with gossip or negativity anyway?
I often witness so many ungrateful people around. It is mind boggling, how we are determined to dig out even the slightest of shortcoming, even in the most beautiful event. Let alone the days when life feels absolutely doomed. Initially I would feel compelled to pull people into the light and help them see, how things still are beautiful, in their own sweet way. But lately, I have realised not to force anyone to bend their ways to suit myself. Everyone has a different path, and I need not feel entitled to enlighten anyone, but me. And the very realisation of this thought makes me feel eternally grateful, with a enormous sense of freedom. We often overlook our own mistakes, and rarely work on mending our ways. But as I often say, unlearning is the new genius, and I definitely want to try my hand at releasing the ideas that haven’t been serving me, for my growth. From the space of growth, I feel the Higher Power finds it effortless to reach out to us in her own mysterious ways.
So often than not, I am greeted with blessings being showered for my long standing prayers, yet I feel called to celebrate in the quiet of my room. Dancing on my own silent song, with silent moves. Some joys are so huge, they demand peace calm and quiet of the mind. Silence is indeed a superpower, and epiphanies are encountered in the moments of voids, or pauses. Witnessing a powerful gesture, stepping into a magnificent architecture or space, having a heart-to-heart connection, a priceless conversation, a piece of art, or a musical note. Epiphanies lay dormant in day to day life, concealed in moments that are ever so easy to miss. Just that you need to be present to receive it gently in your palms, like the dewdrops, that may slip away. Or worse, evaporate, if you keep them waiting.
“Gratitude bestows reverence, allowing us to encounter everyday epiphanies, those transcendent moments of awe that change forever how we experience life and the world.”
-John Milton
August 31, 2019 /
Silence is bliss! Unlearning is the new genius 💛💛💛