My Lastest

- Pournima Barhate
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“Sometimes life drops blessings in your lap without your lifting a finger. Serendipity, they call it.”
-Charlton Heston
The Divine meet us in brief moments of eternal joy. An avalanche of joy, if I may call it so. The light after the walk in a long tunnel, is something worth experiencing.
It seemed like any other rather lackluster day. Nothing great, besides one of my recent wants was to be fulfilled. Besides that, I honestly didn’t have anything fancy to look forward to that day. Off lately, I have started experiencing and to believe in the immense benefits and the joy of living in the moment. Something that the innumerable ‘mindfulness’ lessons have imbibed in me. There is a thin line between surrendering to the Universe and giving up hope. Balancing between the two has always been an acrobatic walk on a thin string. Something that has never been fruitful before. Or now something that I can correlate with, in hindsight. But living life in present, we seldom think of the extreme movements and shifts in the dynamics of the Divine matrix. It is ever so fascinating and mind boggling, the moment you get a taste of it.
“There’s always going to be the circumstances you can’t plan for. There’s always the unexpected relevance and the serendipity.”
-Jason Silva
“You often meet your destiny on the road, you chose to avoid it.”
The most classic example of this phenomenon in my life is the way I landed into my absolute dream career. Being an architect, destined to work with bricks, mortar and buildings, I unknowingly landed into the work of helping people build themselves, by becoming a teacher of Love. How cool does it sound?! Being able to chase your dreams as well as landing into favorable situations is a dance of Divine. You surely know you’re a blessed one. Receiving blessings graciously is something I’m learning. I personally was never really taught how to receive, while we’ve mostly been raised to give and refrain from accepting gifts. Unless forced to do so.
Stepping out of a comfortable (read routine) life, is my way of being a rebel. Trust me when I say, dealing with a day without a fixed agenda, for day after day, can be quite a task in itself. Unless you have way too many things on your platter, to accomplish. Seeking interest in at least a few dozen things, this life works wonders for me. Otherwise, I’d often see myself wilting in a set routine, knowing what activity happens next. It suits some people exceptionally well, and they outperform themselves. Hasn’t been my cup of tea though.
Coming back to taking chances, or let me rephrase that, chances walking at my doorsteps has been the most wondrous part of the journey. Even more so, my availability to be present to attend the opportunity. The prosperity of time is something that I immensely value, and I feel I’m rewarded for the same.
I remember the moment when during my training, all of us were asked what prompted us to be there to undergo the certification. I took a long pause, and looked for words to describe what it all felt like. Surreal. Deja vu kind of a feeling. Becoming a Heal Your Life® Teacher felt so obvious in that moment, I just knew I was to be present in that very room, at that very moment. Yet it all felt serendipitous. What awaited beyond the training has never been on my radar. I have always been open to learning, and more so, unlearning. I know I have carried way too many wrong ideas and beliefs and they need to be replaced with better ones, that serve my higher good.
Undergoing series of events the preceded the magnificent ones, seem to have always been my training ground. May it be anything. Reading seemingly random books in early teenage. Or attending any and every seminar during my college days. Participating in sports during school, to taking part in every group activity that came up. How much ever I hated working in groups. I have left my modesty at home for the day, and feel I can finally own up the fact that I see a potential leader in me. That sounds a far fetched statement to myself, yet I know it hold some amount of truth. If I don’t say that to myself, no one saying it would matter much.
The fun part about chances is, to recognise when they stand right before you. Oftentimes you barely have time or mental bandwidth to second guess the intense gut feeling that nudges you from within. To take a step in the direction, that dictates the most beautiful life awaiting for you. Unless and until you’ve experienced something similar even in the slightest manner, this article with absolutely not make sense. The training ground of preparing to meet with a blessed chance, is something we often withdraw from. We run from ourself, right into innumerable addictions. Ever met a beautiful person while taking the next train, after missing the original one?! But being an introvert, who has almost mastered the art of striking conversations with strangers, I can very well let this priceless opportunity miss right through the gaps of my fingers like thin sand. THAT is what I’m talking of. Being at the right moment, at the right time, with the right amount of prior preparations. After all, serendipity is the dream you’ve held way close to yourself, with wakeful eyes. And you wouldn’t want to let it pass, just due to the lack of inner work that was required for you to receive the blessing that was meant for you.
“Serendipity is nice, but hoping for luck and the magic of happenstance shouldn’t be an excuse for a lack of proactivity. I had to learn for myself that waiting isn’t a life plan.”
-Karen Finerman
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