My Lastest

- Pournima Barhate
- 2 Comment
“Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it.”
-Steve Jobs
Oftentimes we hear people talk about ‘timing’ being wrong than right. Especially after messing up a beautiful relationship with a wonderful person. I have had my share of bad timings and would often wonder if I’d ever find any good timing ever in my life?
In one of my readings, I came across the concept of ‘alignment’ with the Source energy. The alignment is nothing but how much in tune we are with the laws of the nature. The more I delved into the topic, I came to know it is nothing but what we call as timing. Sometime during the course of my reading, I started applying these principals in my life, and before I could realise the Universe effortlessly started showing feedback. Or let me say, I started noticing the synchronicities, which I’d often toss away as coincidences. But when you look closely, everything happening around us, is an echo, if not a mirror.
Every time I set an intention, I feel amazed at the way the Universe starts aligning itself and starts sending signs and signals. People around me start talking of the things ongoing in my mind, as if reading it crystal clear. The perfect song starts playing on the radio. A perfect page opens in the book that was gathering dust for years. The right people start gravitating to me, and others begin to drift away. I feel bursts of inspired ideas flowing through, followed by actions, and I achieve much more in short duration of ‘time’, as compared to the ample time wasted prior to it.
As counterintuitive as it may sound, one thing that keeps coming up time and again. The time enjoyed wasting or daydreaming is often energetically considered as the most fruitful and fulfilling. It seems to connect me to my innermost self and continues to inspire me for the work I put in. The slightest growth in myself than the moment before, is all that I strive for. Over time, I begin to understand that I need not measure my growth with respect to anyone else’s timeline. The milestones to be achieved at certain age, or the beauty as compared to another girl’s face or physique. All the years since childhood, when I was told I’m the ugliest one of the lot, have sure been a white lie. Time reveals the treasure hidden deep beneath. And beauty often resides in the eyes that look at, than what they’re looking at.
One quality that I have definitely been mastering is of unlearning. In this time and age, this is the ability beyond intellect, for the mere knowledge of our limiting beliefs, is enough to flip over to a positive self talk. The flipping of thoughts has gone so deep, that I wake up each morning smiling ear to ear. Knowing that, even in my dreams I remind myself to flip any negative self talk, it into a positive one. Awake or not, I feel aware. Much more than what I was last year. It also gives me a wonderful space in time, where I can ask and receive a response from my body whenever I ask the rightness of any choice I’m about to make. I can feel it in my heart, or in my gut. The times when I have ignored this innate sensation, it has invariably landed me in trouble. Body catches the vibes faster than any of the advanced radars. We just need to tune in to the desired frequency.
I have always found it difficult to seek romance since my early teenage. While the girls around me started dating, I continued being the black sheep at home, as well at school or any other place I wanted to fit in. I just couldn’t. Attracting guys who would tell me how bad I looked and how they’d have liked me had I been more good looking. Often comparing me with my pretty friends. Over years, the kind of guys I came across definitely improved. The Vision Boards found their way into improving my love life. Each time adding one extra bit of goodness into their personalities, each person better than the previous friend.
Today, as I sit here writing and thinking about all the men I have ever come in contact with, I feel like going back to them and thanking them for laying the path to lead me where my heart truly belongs. I’m learning to let go of the umpteen ways I tried to fit in, and learn to effortlessly belong. I can enjoy talking about the topics closest to my heart, never fearing of being judged. For I already know what the response is going to be. Speaking the exact words, I want to hear, and the dreams we together share. Or maybe once in a while, anxiousness washes me over. But the moment I miss the 11:11 on my mobile clock, I immediately realise I have drifted off the alignment. I love how the Universe, even in its misalignment, aligns me. Guiding towards my Divine Timing towards the places, and conversations meant for me.
I meet people, travel to places I’m meant to be. I feel a childlike sense of joy, served beautifully on a platter for me. The wrong or bad timing, that I would often have a complain about, is not something I come home to. Even when everything seems to be going wrong, I know for sure that the things are actually aligning themselves to provide me with the biggest manifestation of my life. I really wonder how I got here, or from when did all of this began? But I sure know it in my heart, the time has come.
“There comes a time when the mind takes a higher plane of knowledge but can never prove how it got there.”
-Albert Einstein
August 2, 2019 /
Beautifully written.. I can relate to almost all of it.. It’s sooo true.. 🙂
August 12, 2019 /
So pure words. "String theory" it is.