My Lastest

- Pournima Barhate
- 2 Comment
“The sky takes on shades of orange during sunrise and sunset, the colour that gives you hope that the sun will set only to rise again.”
-Ram Charan
In my leisure moments, my mind often wanders into the valleys and the mountains. Every time I have traveled up there, I have left a part of me behind. In a hope of coming back to it later in life. Finding an older self, that evolved amidst the incomprehensible events Divine. The recent lows have taken me quite a few times to the mountains, and the caves and the pristine blue lakes that brighten up even the dullest of my day.
The Divine energy holds a strong force that is keeping me sane amidst the chaos going inside and around me. I’ve always been an optimist, but the strength is unraveling all new heights each day. I’m in awe, as to how much pressure my mind can endure. I often wonder, what is it that makes us so resilient in the face of crisis? Looking fear dead in the eye. When in the moments when I’d see pitch dark and cry myself into the night. Even when I want to give up, I seem to still push myself a little more to hold space. To forgive. For there shall be a brighter days ahead, awaiting for me.
Every time I feel dreaded to put myself in the forefront and be the one in charge, I feel my legs go limp and throat run dry. Yet that is what, that gives me joy. The anticipation of the high that I experience at the end of the trial. In the hope for everything going silky smooth. I’ve seldom embarrassed myself in front of a crowd, yet the number of eyes staring right at me make my stomach twist in a knot. I’m experiencing so many strange yet interesting sensations in my body, I could never have imagined being put through. But the pain endured has got me determined to grow above it all, in the hope of joy.
I’ve shared hundreds of quotes and posts talking of positivity, love, hope, gratitude, on my Facebook wall. I feel like the clay taking up a form. Yet the process of undergoing certain ordeals feels like the baking into a furnace. Hoping to come out strong. Stronger and all the more beautiful than ever before. The transition shall bears sweet fruits. A flame of hope shone bright in my heart reminding me, love was just around the corner of the park. A hope to witness a bright sunny dawn, after a forlorn attempt to escape the dark. I felt a flutter in my heart. The self-love I started feeling within me, was class apart.
Hope requires much more patience than what you might think, for it is alignment or what you might call timing. But to reach to that alignment, we shall work our way down the energy stream sometimes into the dark. Effortlessness is somehow hard to achieve, when it feels life threatening. What is your mightiest fear? And what do you feel its greatest cure? I feel it is hope. A hope to change. A hope you’s feel closer to yourself. A hope to be held closer than thyself. A hope can ignite a power within. A hope to let in the abundance you’ve craved for. A hope can make the mountains move. A hope to set all things right. No matter where you’re born. No matter what has gone wrong. Everything could be set right. Even the darkest night, hopes for a rising dawn. A hope is a personal call to the Divine song.
“Hope begins in the dark, the stubborn hope that if you just show up and try to do the right thing, the dawn will come. You wait and watch and work: you don’t give up.”
-Anne Lamott
July 27, 2019 /
As they say, ‘Hope is the rope that swings you through life..’
Very well articulated in here.. 👍😊
August 12, 2019 /
Magical words. We want more