My Lastest

- Pournima Barhate
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Since the movie, The Secret was released, and after reading number of books, experiencing crazy things I’ve lost count of, one of my most favourite topic of discussion is sharing about the day-to-day manifestations. My tribe and I have a ball of time, every time we indulge into some deep conversations on manifestations. May it be material things, health, wealth, relationships, family, spiritual realizations and much more. We’re game for anything and everything that helps us grow. It boiled down to something quite fundamental, when I started explaining the process of manifestation to a friend, which I have intellectually understood by now.
The process of manifestation is uncanny and unimaginably simple. If I had to put it in three simple steps,
What seems to be three simple words, hold profound wisdom neatly wrapped inside them. I remember my young teenage self being immensely inspired having introduced to such wisdom. I couldn’t help myself think and believe crazy ideas and started manifesting things left, right and centre. Creating vision boards, and writing affirmations in every nook and corner possible. I dearly believed wonderful things awaited me. How otherwise would a girl like me pass her SSC (10th) board exams? I was failing miserably. Passing seemed daunting, and scoring good marks seemed like a distant dream. I barely remember talking to anyone about my struggles during the school days, and The Secret seemed like a buoy. My license to survive. Now when I look back, I feel proud of myself, for I did much more than merely survive. I thrived. Today, as I sit here attempting to put down my tryst with the understanding of this seemingly vague concept of Law Of Attraction, I feel amazed how a fifteen year old me grasped the ideas so well.
So, what did my breakdown do in the process of manifestation? It made me put out a rocket of desire. A desire to break free of the daily struggles and come out of it. Not just come out, but soar like a Phoenix. And that is where the step one sets in. ASK. When you are faced with challenges and unpleasant circumstances, you get a reference point from which you desire to move up. If you are not encountered with a challenge, you’d rarely feel the desire and the need to feel better. Asking is merely an act of setting out your intention into the Universe. To let the Universe know which direction you wish to move towards.
Once your desire is put out, your part of work is momentarily done in the given manifestation process. It is now the job of the magnificent Universe to work and bring towards you all the things that you’ve ‘asked’, in the path of least resistance. In simple words, a shortcut. Universe genuinely wants you to achieve all your desires immediately. So while The Universe is busy figuring out the path of least resistance, all one needs to do is sit back with their margaritas and chill. Basically, BELIEVE in The Universe doing their job. This is where we often tend to mess things up, because we are too keen on knowing ‘how’ The Universe is going to bring things into existance. The way that we think is the right one, probably is surpassed by The Universe, as it might not be the path of least resistance.
Most often than not, we keep going round and round in this step, going back and forth asking and feeling extremely anxious as to wondering if our order has been rightly placed. We often fail to have faith and trust in The Universe and its immense capabilities. I’ve done this thousands and thousands of times, and now know the messy bits a little too well. The believing in The Universe, is equal to believing in oneself. Our capabilities. The capabilities of the people around us. The belief in the nature, our intuition.
The moment we think we’ve sort of managed the step two, we come to the next one. I’d say one of the simplest, yet the most difficult of the three steps. To RECEIVE. Why do I say so? The Higher Power whispers answers to our prayers into our ears, in the most unexpected ways. Most often than not, we receive our blessings in the most concealed ways. Often seemingly unpleasant occurrences. The higher intelligence creating conflicts, removing toxic people, creating small accidents out of our lives. Later when we come to know of the catastrophic situation we’ve been saved from, we’re often amazed and dazzled. Meeting strangers who give us ideas for the most unruly problems, you’ve been craving to solve. New connects and friends stepping into your life out of nowhere. And giving you exactly what you’ve been praying for. Finding feathers on streets. Stumbling upon coins. The right book falling into your lap. Someone gifting you exactly the same earrings you’d wished to buy. Overhearing conversations that discuss your favourite author and his research work. Witnessing recurring numbers, words, ideas. It simply starts getting aligned in the most fantastic way. Dormant desires getting fulfilled in magical ways. Overall having a feeling of possessing a magical wand that we’ve been waving around. We start seeing connectedness in each and every phenomenon happening around. Once we start noticing this, we can be quite sure of starting to allow blessings into our life. I call them blessings, because reaching to this step indeed makes each act of receptivity feel like a blessing. We’ve probably gone through quite a roller coaster ride of multiple events, and retaining sanity till here is a gift in itself. And ‘receiving’ is all about allowing these experiences into our live, keeping our faith instilled in ourselves and The Universe to deliver whatever that we had desired for.
Coming back to my 10th exams, till date I don’t really know what all happened in those few days or weeks that made me pass the exam. Not just pass, but score incredible marks. Opening up about one of the most delicate topics of my life, I feel intensely vulnerable, yet powerful at the same time. After over a decade, now I feel I receive those marks all the more graciously, than ever before. Life literally tumbled thereafter. A prolonged void, which now makes me realize how losing track of our learning is not quite a wise idea. And that too, was a learning, which I have started to receive graciously now.
Frankly, the word ‘magic’ sounds like a far fetched idea, for these are simply the laws of nature that we meddle into, trying to gain control. Yet, it also is the most powerful method, once we’re aware of what we’re dreaming, thinking and materializing.
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