My Lastest

- Pournima Barhate
- 4 Comment
Ever loved someone so much, that you wished they were always a part of your life? Ever realised that person just might be the one you look at, into the mirror?
From feeling disgusted when I’d look at myself in the mirror, to loving my own reflection the way I am, I know I have come a really long way, and continue to grow, handheld by Louise Hay. Louise has always felt like the loving grandmother I never had. Who only had a vast ocean or a deep well of love for me. Maybe more than what I felt for myself. Her loving gentle eyes looking at me feel like a world full of blessings. I knew I was given the permission (by myself) to be totally myself every moment, every day.
It has been about 13 odd years since I was introduced to Louise’s teachings. Before I could realised I was deeply in love with the ever-so-simple teachings and philosophy of hers. As unexpectedly deliberate life that I’ve been weaving for myself, Louise has always been a cornerstone to keep me sane all this while, and years to come.
So, where do I begin to share all my crazy amazing experiences with Louise’s teachings by my side? Do I share about the roller-coaster of an education followed by career choices? Or do I talk of her giving me courage to give up on my addiction to medicines, especially painkillers? Or when she was helping me embalming my broken heart? Do I talk of all these years, year after year not even once thinking of painkillers all these 13 years? Or the month long bed-rest of injury that kept me awake throughout the night having a mind-over-matter argument? Do I talk of how the most beautiful people walked into my life? Or the toxic ones fading into the sands of time? Do I share of the synchronicity that I witness each day everyday? Or the warm feeling I get when someone says they look up to me? Is it about the time I choose love over anger? Or is it when I choose to respect myself and walk out of a situation? I can and I do have endless examples on absolutely day-to-day basis when I know it is because I chose to think in a certain way.
One of the most important thing Louise has taught me, which is one of the most priceless learning in my life is to be responsible of any and every situation I am in. Especially the not-so-pleasant ones, for it is me and only me who have manifested them in my life maybe unknowingly at a subtle level. The second thing was to love myself unconditionally and be grateful for every breath I take, and every minute thing around me. I particularly remember one line from her audio that keeps ringing me in my mind while I take any decision, “What you take from life, life takes from you.” (take=steal) The most profound example being that of a paperclip or rubber-bands from office. Ever wondered what impact these seemingly tiny things might be having in our lives? How about stealing ‘time’? Or friends? Or lovers? Or anything else? I still remember the day I became awake to this idea. I sat myself down and felt tears streaming down my cheeks. I’ve instinctively always believed in these things, but the profound touch of the idea made me all the more watchful and vigilant of my thoughts and actions. Who knows what we might be unknowingly inviting in our reality by our careless actions? Why not ‘think before we leap’?
If you ever ask me to sum up Louise’s entire learning in one sentence, I’d say, “I Love myself.” What seemingly looks like three rather simple words put together, have beyond profound meaning and understanding. I cannot say I understand it all as yet, but I know I’m making a progress each day, when I choose a different thought and a different reaction than what I’d normally do. That is all that makes the difference. One thought at a time is all that it takes to change a moment, an hour, a day, and eventually a lifetime.
On her birthday, I feel humbled to be associated with a beautiful group of trainers who together carry forward Louise’s teachings. I have promised myself that I’d always be following and imparting her teachings by the way I live my life. By setting an example than merely preaching her philosophy to others.

October 8, 2018 /
Lovely dear , I connect to every word u said , she is truly a loving inspiration creating us every single day in her own unique way. Heartfelt gratitudes dear Louise . Love you a lot ❤️❤️
Thanks for this post dear
October 8, 2018 /
So much positivity!!! I can totally relate to this article as I’m reading ‘You can heal your life’ and trying to follow all her exercises and affirmations. All thanks to you! Can’t thank you enough! Lots of love! 😊
October 8, 2018 /
I am so touched after reading your post. It’s so deep and most beautifully expressed. I can resonate with each and every word written above. I cannot be more grateful , that I am connected with you. And I have promised myself, to keep learning from you forever. Thank you Pournima ❤️
October 8, 2018 /
Yes that’s the beauty of Louise and her teachings!! Each of one of us who have been fortunate enough to have her lessons in our lives are the blessed ones!! So resonate with few of your synchronicities !! Go girl keep growing and continue your journey well armed with Louise watching over you ! Blessed be 💕💕