My Lastest

- Pournima Barhate
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“If a dog will not come to you after having looked you in the face, you should go home and examine your conscience.”
-Woodrow Wilson
Some topics need way too much time to be expressed. Today, after two whole years I could manage to touch an issue so close to my heart. Leo! Probably one of my first and last love. I can never get over this guy ever.
It was the day of 9th April’ 2006 that I finally could convince my parents to get home a puppy. It was a tiny little white (fawn) coloured little munchkin. He was barely 45 days old and I was sure I brought home a bundle of joy. It was during my 10th board exams that we had this addition into our family. He was that tiny little toy like creature that would respond back and love me loads. The first year and half he was a major notorious fellow, munching onto visitor’s shoes and socks. The guests would often complain about a missing sock or two. I was all fine until his taste buds savoured the potted plants from our garden. Every morning we would dread to wake up to a new palm chewed down to an inch long stem. My mom’s beloved garden was munched pot by pot. A pair of mischievous eyes would stare back with a little hint of guilt, only to repeat the routine the following day. If not for plants, he’d chew onto the towel of Tejashri to bits as she was the outsider in our family. After every such incident two puppy dog eyes would stare back at you so innocently that one would never have a heart to even get slightly mad at him. Everyone who was initially not attached to dogs fell in love with Leo! And I don’t blame them. He definitely was a bundle of joy wrapped in fur! The only one I’d go and hug ‘n’ number of time. His wet nose that he’s purposely wipe on my calves I dearly miss now. The wet feeling that lingered by and irritated me like crazy is something I so dearly miss.
He was the only guy who could keep up with me in my bad as well as the good times. He definitely was the willing ear to hear all my nonsense and drama that I would share with him. As he grew up in almost two years I had a wonderful companion in him. Who would listen to me no matter what and no matter how tired or sleepy he was, he made sure his beautiful black eyes were fixed onto me and ears intently listening to my chatter, He made sure all those secret tears shed were kept safely with him and never did I fear him spilling the beans to anyone. He just was too reliable person I ever came across. His love for me was the enthusiastic welcome that I got every time I stepped into the premises of my house. He used to be the happiest person to see me after a hectic day at college or a few days’ trip to some place away. He just patiently waited for me to get back home.
He had accepted one couch as his own and would refuse to get off even when guests were around. And often gave an annoyed look while made to wake up from a slumber and asked to go out into the garden. Alike me, he absolutely loves eating fruits, oranges being the most favourite amongst the others. The way he would munch onto salad definitely earned him the title of a ‘cow’! He definitely was a cool ‘guy’!
Sometimes it just amazes me how I or any person for that matter can live on with such a void and not realise unless the memories come gushing by. So much that it is just beyond control. All the tough times he had been through, somewhere makes me feel guilty, for probably, I failed to give him the amount of love that he deserved. He never demanded for any and I guess that’s what made me take him for granted. The feeling that he would always be there by my side looking out for me, admiring the every new dress I bought, wink at me occasionally. Cuddle when I was feeling low and give me the most invaluable company when others wouldn’t be at home. I miss each and every bit of it! The house always felt safe in his paws than with any fine latch that is burglar proof. His friendly as well as a hint of aggressive nature did the trick.
The able cat of the house literally chased the rats and killed them. The endless wall lizards we have played with, and jumped at the buzzing bees that’d sit on the lintels. The birds that would pay visit our garden were often chased away by our hero! He just wanted everything still and peaceful. Any strange noise and moving objects would earn endless barks. He always needed a peaceful environment, 24×7! Did I mention, we both were absolutely similar? He would definitely be the most loving as well as the most irritating companion during my late night submissions. Why? I would struggle hard to keep my eyes open and keep working. While this one would sleep from one place to other a hundred times and snore to glory! ‘no exaggeration whatsoever! And you know what? I am ready to give anything to gain back that one companion of mine!
Leo, you just left me too soon!
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