My Lastest

- Pournima Barhate
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Today I decided to pause a few moments and look around. What I discovered blew off my mind. The things which I unknowingly took for granted or over-assumed proved me wrong. Very very wrong.
To start with, common sense was rarely noticed, and at some places seriously absent. Probably having some of my own made it a bit irritating for me, and I seemed silly to them. The day to day normal behaviour often overlook the need for developing some essential life skills. I feel common sense needs to be made mandatory to every living being. It probably is like some muscle which would strengthen by regular usage. But then it struck me, if everyone start using the tiny bit they’ve got where would consumerism end into? Exactly! Down the bin! But then, another thought peeked in into my mind, and I felt it wasn’t right on my part to judge people by the level of their intelligence, especially the guys. I accept having a sapiosexual tendency, and it is kind of difficult for me to deal with dumbness in opposite sex. And it brought some light on the next set of aspects in life…
Gratitude. Love. Compassion. Forgiveness. Even marking these four by different words, they technically seem or actually are one and the same thing. One cannot experience any one out them without the other. There is no Gratitude without Love. Or Love without Compassion. Nor there is Compassion without a deep sense of Gratitude. I purposely kept aside Forgiveness, for it is something I still haven’t figured out. It indeed is too complex a term than it is perceived. Some accept they cannot forgive (like me), and some just don’t bother to give it the importance it needs.
We all tend to overlook the beautiful things in and around us and literally forget to even acknowledge them, let alone feel grateful for their existence or absence. One really needs to feel as grateful when encountered with a pleasant experience, as when encountered by a shortcoming or a form of calamity. Any calamity is such a wonderful teacher, that none of pleasant experiences teach us in such a brief amount of time. A pleasant moment cannot be enjoyed without the contrast to compare with. One definitely needs to be sensitive enough to realize that the tables have turned and life is going through the happy paths.
We often get so busy with life even after a major illness or injury that we forget to appreciate the brilliantly efficient functioning of our bodies. Only remember to complain when it breaks down after tirelessly working unappreciated. Go ask someone who has experienced or is in excruciating pain in their bodies. I personally have experienced unbearable pain and hence know the importance of the smooth functioning of body. Have definitely experienced pain when, dying seemed to be a better option. The day your heart even starts filling with gratitude, things literally start transforming around you. No exaggerations at all!
Gratitude still happens to be the second step in the process that I am trying to understand. One needs to genuinely acknowledge the stuff going around. I cannot stress enough on this fact, but for once you can trust me blindly on this one, when I say that gratitude opens all the seemingly jammed doors. It is just right amount of greasing that is required to get things moving for good.
As I am writing through, a lot of incidents are flashing before my eyes, the times when I was in deep shit and also few of the best moments. In a normal retrospect it doesn’t make a difference, but today I am feeling that the times when I cribbed the most, are some of the best memories now. The learning from them is important for sure. But today I can laugh it off, proudly to have lived through it all. The deep gratitude surely warms my heart and gives a sense of fulfilment.
I suddenly sound so serious to myself, but I continue nevertheless.
I have always been on a pursuit of finding unadulterated (!) love. I practically have moved around a lot in search of it. Knowingly or unknowingly have also tried to change a lot of people just because they were judgemental and lacked this mythical thing called ‘unadulterated’ love. When in reality, it was me who was missing in finding this love within me. Let alone for anyone else, and the futile efforts in changing others makes me feel a bit guilty now. I really don’t know if they were benefited or not, but I surely did, in my own tiny way. I am still not sure (read I know I haven’t) if I have discovered it yet. But now I can definitely differentiate between the slightest deviations from the pure form of love. For, love is acceptance. Love is gratitude. Love is compassion. And love is in forgiving. I think I lack in these things, and there would definitely be a paradigm shift in my consciousness when all this would be taught in a split second, beyond words. Catching hold of these things/feelings/emotions in mere words is no justice to the profound feelings associated with them. But I always pray to achieve all these things in this life itself, and if blessed enough, then help others seek their true selves too!
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