My Lastest

- Pournima Barhate
- 1 Comment
They gazed into each other’s eyes across the room. It was rather a secret; their friendship. They were together with each other, in the embrace of their eye contact. Separately one, amidst the crowd.
The midnight birthday celebrations were on. Uneasiness overpowered her, and she walked out of the room into the garden. Carelessly scrolling through the phone book, picked a number and dialled it. He kept wondering what she was up to, for the distance between the two was torturous. His mind was at two places, jumping to and fro. But hers was fixed, the thoughts of melting into his embrace. The distance troubled her soul, and she had to distract herself. She had let go of the perfect moment that afternoon to have confessed her feelings for him. But all she could do was to let go of a sigh. That night he would be going back to his city, not knowing when he would return.
Her friend answered the phone call, and they talked merrily for a few long minutes. She tried hard to concentrate on the conversation on the mobile, but to no avail. Her mind kept going back to him, into the living room inside. Where she did not know what he was doing, or thinking. She soon hung the phone, and went back inside.
His eyes followed her as she entered. She had these impulsive urge to finally confess her feelings for him. After all she had found someone who could kindle the fire of passion within her. One who could make her think of intimacy. The kind of intimacy she read in the dozens of Mills n Boon novels.
She grabbed the glass of water near her and took a careless sip. He silently watched her getting restless. The conversation in the room continued, and the two kept silent throughout. Seeing unmoved by the happenings, she concluded that he had no interest in her. Her heart broke a million times inside her ribcage with the thought of having to let go of his thoughts. The ones she treasured the most. Ever since she had got tk know him, she just couldn’t think of anyone else. He certainly had this charismatic personality, and she was almost taken by it all.
He could sense her feelings, for he too was well connected with her feelings and thoughts. Unable to make his mind, he had decided to keep his feelings for himself and not say anything to her yet.
It was nearly 1:00am when she looked into her watch. Being panicked, she rose to leave. An exam was awaiting the following morning, and the least she could be able to do was to show up. Bidding an adieu she went to put in her sandals. Unaware of someone following her, she opened the latch of the door, only to find him behind her.
She glared at him with eyes wide open, but he was given the duty to drop her safely at home. She jumped with joy inside, but kept a decent smile and composed her over excited self. She felt wonderful to have given yet another chance to have some solitary moments together with him. As the night danced merrily, she hopped onto his bike. Waving goodbye to her friends, she pinched herself ti check if she was dreaming.
He did not utter a single word until they reached the parking of her building. She silence was a meaningful one, and she felt confident of the fact that he too did have feelings for her. She could just sense it. She got off the bike, took two deep breaths and finally made her mind. As he turned off the engine and parked his bike, she adjusted her top and put the strands of hair behind her ears. He knew she had something on her mind. He got off the bike and came closer to her.
Her mind kept going back n forth on the thoughts of confession or not. He stood before her, almost a foot taller, before her reflexes could react, he bent over and kissed her on her lips. She froze. In complete disbelief of what just happened in the middle of the night, in the middle of the road, right outside her house. He held her with his string arms and kissed her passionately. She gave in to his gesture, for her question was answered before asking.
He could feel her heart racing. Her body temperature rose. He let loose his embrace, and looked into her eyes. They were moist. They did not say anything, but smiled as they parted.
July 5, 2014 /