My Lastest

- Pournima Barhate
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The final fifteen days for the semester to end were going on. She was engrossed in completing as much work as possible. Staying into Archi-torture was her very own decision, and she for never once regretted in doing so. Things were going smooth until the weather started becoming gloomy. Clouds gathered into the sky. With a wait of a few days it finally rained. Rained so heavily that it scared the shit out of her. She had this queer feeling inside her, that she was on a verge of a sharp turn.
She couldn’t possibly figure out what that turn demanded of but certainly a difficult feeling to express. There were hailstorms nearby, and she was hit hard by the lovely rain. Her books were kept away into the cupboard to be taken out only after the submissions were over. They lay there quietly without moving an inch.
That afternoon, a Saturday. A rainy Saturday. It was unbearable to keep away the nudging thoughts that kept surfacing. What is right and what is wrong? What felt wrong, spread its arms wide open to take her into his embrace. While on the other hand, what seemed right and ethical stood silently in the corner waiting for her to make her mind. She was determined to take the righteous steps howsoever it might hurt her. All her values contradicted each other. Love. Friendship. Trust. And being righteous. It was a difficult situation to choose one amongst all.
She hoped someone would simply pull her out of this situation she had put herself in. Probably was a test to check her determination and willpower to follow what is right and let aside the temptations. Almost like an open eye meditation; to keep her cool amidst the emotional chaos! She quivered as one thought after the another kept questioning her decision. Why was it so difficult to cut certain people off one’s life?
She was certain after a good amount of experience how cutting off toxic people is good for the growth, in all aspects. But how does one justify cutting off good people? Is the energy flow so strong to be controlled with mere thoughts? She hit her fist against the cupboard in frustration. A book fell down from. It was her beloved book, which was read and reread umpteen number of times.
She picked up the book and a smile spread across her face. She knew that was a good omen. The book demanded yet another read that very moment. A cup of coffee was arranged for, and she sat besides the window, where rain poured buckets outside into her garden. Her pet snuggled onto the doormat kept for him, and suddenly the medley of sad songs were changed into happy tunes into her mind. What transformation a closed book can bring!
The book and the coffee mug replaced the set squares, T-scale and pencils. Mobile was kept far away to resist the temptation to check texts and avoid erroneously calling anyone.
Word by word, page by page the story in the book moved ahead and the entanglement of emotions inside her found its way out. The direction she wanted to know, was crystal clear. The long pending decision was getting sorted out. She smiled when the MBTI thought crossed her mind. How interesting researches can be!
With the last page turned, and having finished reading the book in record time she stood up and send that final text to turn yet another chapter in the book of life.
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