My Lastest

- Pournima Barhate
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As the day of departure neared, nervousness started creeping over Anamika. This was her first trip alone in India, where she wouldn’t be with her bestie, like the trip before. The unknown language and hence the hindrance in communication worried her. The determined her, kept these uncertain feelings aside, and started to get mentally prepared.
The week that was yet to come, held so many things in it. She would be back as a person, having a different outlook towards the little life ahead of her. She was uncertain if anything good would come out of the 8 days invested. Time. Money. But on top of everything, she was looking forward for some time out only for herself. She wanted to go around the city, and get the feel of it. And learn new things that would come her way. She wanted some adventure in her life and what other than travelling can it be?
On the eve of Independence Day, Anamika looked over the internet for the little places nearby Pondicherry, which she could visit. To her greatest joy, she got in touch with Shri Aurobindo Ashram. The place Rheena had talked about. Spirituality was already a part of Anamika’s life, so this place certainly interested her beyond limits. She read a bit about the Ashram online. It was said to be a place where people from different cultures and ethnicity would come together and seek blessings from this blessed place. Anamika planned to go there for meditation. A place where there would not be a single soul to disturb her. A smile spread across her.
She informed at college, and a few close persons. She rather chose to keep the trip only for herself, and not tell anyone before reaching there, or probably before returning back, to maximize benefits of the treatment. She hoped for a totally different learning and unlearning experience. But on top of all, she wondered what would be happening with her eyes once she’s back. She definitely wanted a miracle to happen, and wake up one day without glasses. But there certainly was a reality check. Her glasses were shining in the light of the table lamp. She looked around with a rather blurred vision and wondered what could be the real reason behind it all.
What exactly makes one develop imperfect eyesight? Isn’t the body meant to heal itself? What are the things that distorted the vision? If this is my case, what could be the case with others? And if the specs could be removed in a snap of fingers, why don’t everyone just get it done? What are they really waiting for? But hey, wait a second…Do they know about it?
Anamika now had yet another motive behind going for the trip. If it would help her, she would definitely pass on the word about it, and then help people develop a perfect vision. But first she wanted to try out herself. But somehow at the back of her mind she remained skeptical about the whole thing. That was yet another reason for keeping this trip a silent matter.
Her friends who had already visited the place, gave her tips and suggestions for the places to be visited. Auroville was the highlight of all!
A bunch of dreams were packed with the baggage! And Anamika set out for her very own, ‘Voyage à Pondichéry.’
[…to be continued]
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