My Lastest

- Pournima Barhate
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“LEAVE!!!”, Varun’s voice still echoed in her ears. Anamika looked around.
A person from the gathered crowd came ahead and opened the white car’s driver seat door. Anamika couldn’t miss the sight of the badly injured driver. She could see a pool of blood inside the car at the driver’s feet. It was obvious that the impact of the accident was way too much. It was surprising how Anamika and Varun were barely bruised.
Anamika started walking off with horror in her eyes. She couldn’t get off the sight of blood smeared feet off her mind. While walking off she peeped into the other side of the car, where the other boy sat. He seemed okay. Probably his head had a hit. A few bruises on his forehead were visible. With a fast beating heart and heavy footsteps, she tried to walk away before the mob got closer.
The joke Varun cracked at the entrance of the hotel had materialised. His offering her to drive the car could’ve saved them all the trouble they were facing. “Why didn’t I take the control of the car?”, she kept thinking.
She walked a few meters away and stood behind a tree, as if she was never involved! Varun was still out of the sight. Anamika kept looking around for him. He emerged out of nowhere from amidst the crowd. He looked equally terrified on seeing the injured boy. The boy was in his mid-twenties, almost of Varun’s age.
Another person from the crowd dialled up the ambulance. The over enthusiastic and inquisitive passers by stopped to get the information of current affairs. Anamika involuntarily checked her watch, it showed 11:30PM. Time seemed to have accelerated a bit. She stood there in daze wondering what was to be done. She waited to see what was happening at the scene. In spite of seeing him tensed, she couldn’t even talk to Varun.
Anamika finally dialled home. Her father did not answer. She kept trying a few times but to no avail. Her father must’ve slept peacefully unaware of what his daughter had got herself into.
She kept thinking for a while, wondering whom to contact. Her best friend Namita was thankfully awake. Anamika hastily dialled her number. Namita cut the phone. This happened a couple of times. Anamika’s restlessness grew, finally left her a text message,
“Call up asap! Urgnt!”
With that she started walking away from the accident spot, towards her home. On the way, a few men passed by her. They eyed her head to toe. Anamika tried her best not to appear nervous or scared. She hoped dearly to be the ugliest girl in the world, so as to not attract anyone. Her beautiful long hair seemed to be a curse. She wished she should have actually gotten the boycut done the previous month. She tied up her hair in a bun. Took the sparkling crystal earrings off and tried to look as pale as possible.
Suddenly her mobile phone started ringing. Namita’s name flashed on the screen. Anamika felt a surge of energy within.
“Hey Annu, wassup? Why calling so late?”, Namita whispered from the other end.
“I’m in trouble. I need to get home. Can you pick me up please? I’m walking on the streets. I’m scared”, Anamika spoke in a shaky voice, pushing back her tears.
“Where are you? Where is Varun? What on earth are you doing out at this hour?”, the concern in Namita’s voice grew.
“We met with an accident! We have almost killed a boy. So much blood! I want to get home.”
“ARE YOU OKAY? Shit! I am not in town. Forgot to tell you this evening. At my grandma’s!”
“OH HELL! Ok. I’ll call someone else.”
“Are you sure? Take care. Keep me posted.”
“Ya. Bye.”
Anamika stood perplexed. She hated the thought that was on it’s way.
“Call up Saurabh, you idiot!”, her mind kept telling.
A year and half of separation, since their last conversation. But deep down she knew he’d come for her from any corner of the world. She knew he equally loved and cared for her.
Hesitantly, she dialled his number.
[ be continued]
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