My Lastest

- Pournima Barhate
- 1 Comment
A few years ago, when I heard this word I thoroughly believed that it was the ‘old’ people who needed to seek solace into ‘meditation’ and ‘spirituality’, for other things probably have failed to interest them anymore! A path where the youth seldom bother to tread along. This notion within me, without any personal knowledge or experience.
But when does one really feel the need for meditation in their life? or let’s put it in other words. How and when does one feel the need to seek spirituality or the higher self, or whatever you may call it! Is there any measure for it?
There were some certain happenings, when the universe conspired and fixed me a ‘tryst with destiny’! I still don’t remember the date or time, but all i know was how terribly helpless i felt. I so dearly wanted to get out of that feeling any which way possible. in simple words, i was neck deep in shit and was on my way to taste it. If only i had stayed there a minute longer, and would have made my way to drown! Depression enveloped me. My academic performance was on a fall while my boyfriend was scoring at his best! Mind you, it irritated and annoyed me to the highest level.
I was on the peak of breakdown and my wit’s end, when God sent me an angel in disguise. A guru, a teacher, a mentor and on top of it all a good friend. Someone I could confide in with full trust, even without speaking words, nor meeting often in person. Telepathy, you may call it! Sounds strange? I felt it so. Weird, to be very frank. It was strange, yet I felt like I was rescued! From a shipwreck. Floating ashore was a slow but steady process. The changes that happened around were disturbing at a point of time. It took long before I acknowledged the changes. The penance, as I may hype it, paid off beyond my expectations. I broke up with my boyfriend. A whole lot of wrong friends, I had gathered over a period of time, left me alone. And most importantly, I passed my Second Year in Architecture, without any backlogs. I know for myself what kind of miracle that was! I still am grateful for seeking myself in this painful process of Metamorphosis of my spirit!
‘Meditation’ walked stealthily into my life, taking up a lion’s share in this process! The scars of childhood and adolescent’s hurt started slowly washing off. The feeling of lightness in turn helped me shed off layers of unwanted fats, I had gathered upon for my protection for the emotional guns pointed at me! I think I look younger than what I did, last year. A step, the very first one, in this journey in search of my true spirit .
If I sit here writing about the benefits of meditation, I can go on forever. If has helped me calm down my pulse and impulse. It has brought about an overall stability in my life. My new eating habits helped in accelerating this process. My sleep improved and so did the concentration and stamina. There certainly are some grey areas in between. But I do not get depressed frequently as I used to before. The things which I had hoped for, happened smoothly as if a Ginnie is waiting to take my orders. Feels exhilarated and powerful. At the same time my ego sits calm and quiet watching the play around happily, and occasionally making it’s presence known! Genuinely, the feeling of happiness, for no good reason simplifies a lot of things. I am living and learning it bit by bit!
The duration of time required to get into trance has reduced considerably and I am able to switch off instantly from the world around. I can set my mind free into the eternal silence, sitting amidst the chaos! Though it does not happen so quickly each time, but sooner or later it takes me off to the blissful thoughtlessness where I can simply BE!
I would choose not to describe my experiences of meditating, for if at all anyone reading this wants to try it out, might seek for similar things, which certainly won’t happen! That might not make them happy or contented, and they might discontinue it! I do not intend to misguide or mislead anyone or make them experience a subtle feeling of un-fulfilment through a positive talk, that won’t take them anywhere.
My broader dream is to help people attain their desired spiritual levels and be one with themselves. Be comfortable with the silence around when alone. And seek solace within themselves.
I would like to conclude this talk, by saying that, ” Meditation is the blissfulness one experiences within themselves without any stimulation by the outer senses. And then, the sixth one would awaken. Within thyself!”
April 15, 2013 /
Reading this post is *Blissfulness* as well 🙂