My Lastest

- Pournima Barhate
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A lazy sunday afternoon, i sat by my laptop whiling away my time. Had a pile of assignments waiting for me, yet my mind wandered miles away. Not even a month ago, my life had taken an unexpected turn. I cannot describe how i was feeling. Certain. Relieved. Peaceful. Light. Loved and cherished.
I probably was able to put together the missing part of my life. My belief on the fact that ‘like attracts like’ grew all the more stronger. Lovely friends i began to have. The older ones grew all the more closer. Disputes resolved. And life just getting on track on its way towards fulfilment!
Someone surely helped me throw light upon this beautiful life i already had, but refused to look at. His absence from the daily life doesn’t really stop me from communicating. They say, ‘distance makes the heart grow fonder’..and i have began to live it every moment. A 12 minutes talk can elate me to such a level that, the world looks all the more beautiful from this cloud I’m floating on.
It’s like that little spark in a dark night. which shows up for a split second, but lingers by your thoughts till you witness it again! And then you start loving the brightness in the brief moments. A gentle word said. A lovely voice heard. Or a warm glance in your eyes. Everything is treasured deep inside the safest corner of your heart. Where it’d remain forever and ever!
This meaningful learning of enjoying little joys of life made me admire my life all the more. The lovely people who made it beautiful. The others who cared too much about me, and walked away. Making my life greener and merrier. The petty rains managed to wash away the dust, making my garden fresh and clean! The saplings of new relationships are now taken extra care and given ounces of extra love, poured with the serene waters of genuine intentions and what not.
It’s when you’ve lost a loved one, that you value the ones who unconditionally love you! Little gestures of care and support are valued more now on. The innumerable minutes we’ve talked to each other, are bundle of joys I open up every now and then. As if to know, what you’d have done being in the situation i am in? And take a step accordingly! This distance is serving as the best medium of communication! Away yet closer!
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