My Lastest

- Pournima Barhate
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New city seemed like a better way to run away from the situation for him. New people and the new place seemed dearer to him. But leaving her behind bewildered, disturbed him to a great extent. But he wasn’t as expressive as her.
He collected his scooter and parked it in the allotted space. Went to his new room and started setting up the things. He had done the shopping for this new city with her in the new mall that had opened in their city. He opened his bag, on top was lying the black and white checks shirt she’d selected for him. He hung it neatly with the other shirts in the cupboard. Some other household stuff he placed neatly in the shelves provided. And her smiling picture in his heart!
On opening the other bag, he took out the books he had carried for studying. Which had amongst them the dearest book, her diary. It bore her name written in bold, ANAMIKA. Before doing anything else, he took her diary in his hands and sat by the window. It was pouring outside, as it was almost the end of monsoon.
Turning pages he felt as if she was sitting right besides him. Her colourful diary was as cheerful as her smile. Her beautiful handwriting mesmerised him. After simply running through the pages, he went back to the first page, and began reading.
It dated back a few years before they met. Her school and college crushes found a place in her diary. A vivid description of significant events were penned down. He enjoyed reading along, imagining it was her telling it to him. He read a first few pages and smiled at himself. His eyes moistened. He realised how much she needed him to show affection, than just have it. He quickly grabbed his phone, and dialled her.
“Hello?” , her sweet voice came from the other end.
“Its me, Saurabh! How are you?”
“Was never better! How are you liking it there?”, she was overjoyed to hear him after the two days which seemed like eternity.
“City is great, but… I…”
“What happened?”
“Well… I am missing you so much! Your diary is going to be my best companion here. Thank you dear!”
She was brimming with tears as he spoke to her. Wiping them off she said, “I have a better idea! Why don’t you complete my diary? You can share anything with her! Try it!”
“Oh! That’s a great idea! I’d do that. Chalo, my roomie is here, we’d talk later! Bye.”
“Ok. Bye!” She never liked being cut short, for she knew there was no roomie around him. She hung the phone, before he’d say anything more.
Saurabh was in tears and couldn’t talk to her any-more. He kept himself busy that day, by cleaning and setting up his room.
After dinner he sat back again to read the diary, opening a random page. It talked of her first date. He felt uncomfortable on reading the description of how she liked that guy and the way he treated her right and made tea for her. How he made her feel special on her very first date, which she seemed to have appreciated a lot. She also described the small ride she had on his brand new bike.
Next one was another guy from school whom she admired during school days, for being very friendly over the late-night chats, but would ignore her in person, which hurt her. But she still kept talking to him. Finally met him two years after he passed out of school.
He was rather emotionally worked up that day. The loneliness enveloped his as the night got darker. He started contemplating over the last two years he’d spent with her. He never really treated her so royally like how she was treated on her first date, and rather remained aloof most of the time, busy at work. He felt guilty for not having spent the time with her, which she rightly deserved. He feared reading on to the pages that will be talking of him.
A sudden knock at the door distracted from his thoughts. He wondered who would have come in the middle of night, that too in the rains.
(…to be continued)
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