My Lastest

- Pournima Barhate
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She was dumbfounded. And stood motionless for a few long seconds. She wished the earth would tear open and take her inside. She wanted to cry. Cry out loud. She wanted to hug him tight, and tell him how much she loves him.
But she did none of that. A warm smile spread across her face. And she congratulated him. While he hung his face in guilt n shame. For not have been able to fight for her. She looked unbelievably energetic and lively. Just like how a flame brightens up before going off.
He could perfectly read her eyes tho, which were in pain and anguish.
They didn’t talk much on the ride back. The beloved scooter was not-so-lovely anymore. The lovely rain seemed all the more gloomy and suddenly the excitement of the long drive was washed off with the raindrops.
She wiped her tears on the way back. He did not apply any breaks now, as she sat all the more composed behind him. Her mind buzzed with a thousand questions, but she asked nothing. And soon they were at her place. She hugged him for one last time and waved a goodbye. Hoping it won’t be the last one ever. He drove off without really saying much.
She felt the little ring she’d got for him, lying in her pockets. It all felt meaningless and a strange vacuum started drawing her in.
She hardly ate for the next few days. Cried to sleep almost every night. She deeply felt betrayed and hurt. Something that was too difficult to be erased. The inside turmoil soon began to reflect on her looks. The smiley face was pale and dull. Her friends were worried, as the most social person began to stay aloof.
He’d occasionally call her up to ask how she is. She’d be overjoyed to hear his voice and that’d last her till his next call. She’d count days until he’d call. Her mind knew it really well that it was futile waiting for him, but her heart overpowered her mind with the strange hope of his return.
Mood swings were a normal routine and the lovely girl turn to a cranky one couldn’t go unnoticed. But the occasional happiness kept her going. He’d captured her mind completely. As if she’d lost her own identity and was living a broken hearted soul’s life.
She wondered what he was up to really.
One fine day, early morning she received a call from him.
“Hello?”, she asked in a sleepy voice.
“It’s me!”, his baritone voice was unmissable.
She sprung and sat in her bed, wondering what he had got to say at this hour of the day! “Yea?”, she asked controlling her excitement!
“I need to see you. M leaving the town today!”
His words echoed in her ears. She couldn’t bear the idea of him leaving the city AND her life forever. Jumping onto conclusions was her second nature and she was soon in a puddle of tears. she hardly spoke and agreed to meet him.
He hung the phone and told her to be ready as he’d pick her up in half n hour.
She got ready as usual, with a thick kohl that made her eyes look prominent and the only make-up she’d put. He often would talk of his fondness towards her eyes. She let open her hair that day and wore lenses. And did not forget to wear a broad smile that day! She had to look happy and energetic like always and cheer him up!
Hurriedly, she wrapped up a see off gift for him, for she believed small personalised gifts meant a lot in a relationship. Tying a red ribbon to it, she walked off to ‘class’ from home!
Soon he came on his scooted away with her. His scooter and him felt all the more happy that day. And she was beyond excited yet nervous to know what he had to say.
Reaching their usual meeting point, she got off. He parked the scooter n they sat nearby on a rock, amidst all greenery. He glanced at her face, which looked beautiful as always. Her swollen eyes hurt him. But he’d made up his mind now to leave the city, how-much ever it killed him.
With heavy heart, told her it was the last time they’re meeting. A tear rolled down his cheek. In reflex she wiped it and gave a warm smile. Promised him to take care of herself. And took out the gift for him.
He started opening it. The ribbon first and then the beautiful paper she’d always treasured. And in it remained her diary. An inseparable part of her life! He didn’t know what to say. Unable to hold back the tears gushing from his eyes, he wept keeping his head on her shoulder.
There were no words exchanged, but they communicated the best that day!
(…to be continued)
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