My Lastest

- Pournima Barhate
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Impulsive by nature, it was totally her to stand drenched in rain and dance. He enjoyed her laughter and watched her dance to the rhythm of raindrops. The rain always reminded her of the bitter-sweet memories of the past love.
How much ever he’d love her now, she’d never get over her past. He worried about her, as she’d drift away from him for a day or two without any communication and would be found nowhere.
Yet today she seemed much more calm and at peace with herself. The weekend was the only time she’d spend with him and talk endlessly about the week that was. Cycling would be the excuse to slip out for the long rides on his bike exploring new destinations.
The rain got back to drizzles, and eventually stopped. Yet she continued her silent tears. As always, he was unable to understand her! She could set crying amidst howls of laughter, and could start giggling while sobbing. He loved her all the same.
He took her along the meadows for a stroll. He wanted to spend some lazy moments listening to her animated n excited talk. He’d just loose himself in her words. The story of him bike, as the old scooter she’d narrate all the time. He’d never get bored listening to it.
She was the mischievous and the only girl amongst the 3 siblings. Invariably was terribly pampered. Usually had her own way at all the things. But he was the only person for whom she’d be the selfless of all beings alive. They took his old scooter n set off to a remote place. She was rather amused by the lush green surroundings and the lovely weather! The breeze blew through her long brown hair.
They got off the scooter, and began to walk again.
In the lovely walk, she felt a weird restlessness in his body language. Being intuitive she surely felt something was wrong. Something terribly wrong. The uneasiness grew as they halted at a huge rock. He abruptly stopped, and turned towards her. His warm smile was miles away, and he looked rather tensed.
The transition of emotions was rather hard for her to grasp. Although being impulsive, she was not that good at handling mood swings of others. And here a guy was sitting before her looking helpless.
She calmly asked him, “You getting married. Is it?”
He was rather overwhelmed to say anything and just nodded.
Her heart sank. All the past couple of months started showcasing before her like a movie. Fighting back tears, she held his hand. “You said yes?”, was her next question.
He nodded a YES!
(…to be continued)
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