My Lastest

- Pournima Barhate
- 1 Comment
Hurriedly she picked up her bag n set out on her cycle. It was probably ten more minutes for the sunrise when she reached at the top of the hill at our usual spot. He smiled at the sight of her sweaty red face. ‘Tomato’ he’d tease her lovingly.
They had five more minutes for the sunrise. So they swiftly walked to the spot n sat down to witness the first sunrise together. It felt heavenly! Early morning, with both sitting together. Life seemed to have stopped then n there to watch the joy on her face. He took out the white chocolate he had brought for her. Greedily she grabbed it n started eating ! He silently watch her enjoy the little joys in life.
She took out the neatly pasted Chinese notes for him to keep in his wallet. He hardly seemed to have noticed them, but carefully placed them in his wallet. She felt important to have those notes settle in. And joined in watching the shades of sun change from crimson to orange hue. His sharp features shone brightly as the sun gleamed. She admired him and his compassionate nature.
Within half n hour the heat became unbearable. She watched the clouds running across the sky, and wondered if it’d rain today!
As decided, they set out for a long drive, without the knowledge of any known soul. His old bike seemed to be the most luxurious mode of transport in the whole wide world. She loved him for being simple and sweet. Making sure she was comfortable, they set out on an amazing drive.
He made sure every break was ‘suddenly’ applied! She shyly composed herself behind. He kept talking all the while making sure she felt comfortable and safe with him. She knew it for sure, that whatever happens this one will never hurt her.
Right before they got onto the highway it started drizzling, which soon turned into heavy rains. A sudden thunder made her cling onto him. Even though he loved her so close, he chose to stop at a dhaba on the highway for some shelter.
She took out a small towel to wipe dry his head. One done she opened her long beautiful hair. He was taken aback by her beauty. She looked like a fresh bloomed rose with dew drops. He started day-dreaming of snuggling with her. His concentration was broken by the little boy who got them hot masala tea. She’d always brag about having hot brewed tea in rains and enjoy the rains all the more. But today sat silently sipping the hot tea.
He was unable to read the turmoil behind her smiling face. Seeing her abruptly get up and stand in the rain surprised him. She stood there crying into the rain, but maintained the smile. The rain managed to hide all her tears in its drops which rolled down her cheeks.
May 11, 2012 /
vry nic.. nw waiting for Part II