My Lastest

- Pournima Barhate
- 1 Comment
Returning early from college, it was my habit to listen to radio while having lunch. today’s accounts lecture had put me to sleep as always. being perceived as the scholar guy, i was excused by the teacher! radio had old hindi bollywood songs playing, and lunch was pretty peaceful and enjoyable in spite of being alone.
it was when the song, ‘pyaar hua ikraar hua..’ started playing, that i couldn’t really concentrate on my meal, and my mind drifted back in time…when i first met her!
It was the month of August, I was in 11th, and it was our first unit test going on. A dry day it was, n i avoided carrying an umbrella. I was so sure that it just won’t rain on that cheerful day! It was my accounts paper. being teacher’s favorite just doesn’t help in exams. n i was pretty nervous.
i entered the exam hall having the most confident steps, as if i had topped it already! But from inside i was as scared as a rabbit. i saw her sitting on the first bench with her friends and giggling. for this exam, i wondered how someone would possibly put on a smile, let alone a series of giggles. she looked eternally beautiful. fair supple skin. round face. quite fair and always having a smile on her face. she had long brown hair which reached just below her shoulders. she’d always tie them up in class, making herself the centre of attraction. i loved to watch her tie and re-tie her hair several times. when she smiled her dimple was hard to miss. she looked just perfect. but such perfections are not so perfect before exams. i could hardly concentrate on my paper. i kept looking at her from the corner of my eye.
somehow i managed through the paper, and the bell rang! i was rather relieved. my friends gathered around me as soon as the papers were collected n soon made plans for watching football matches together. i tried hard to keep an eye on her, but she vanished before i knew.
i hung my face as i walked down, onto the main entrance gate. my friend offered to give me lift, seeing my bike was gone for repair for the previous week’s accident! I was about to sit on his bike, when i suddenly heard her laughter! i looked around and saw her below one flowery umbrella. wondering if it was really ‘her’ i paused before sitting on his bike. her pleasant smile lit up the atmosphere around. i abruptly started walking away from my friend’s bike, who had a rather annoyed face by now! he asked again, to which i denied bluntly!
she was waiting for a rickshaw, and was unable to find one. while walking towards her, i noticed her giving naughty smiles seeing my (not-to) take on the lift. i was too engrossed in seeing her, that i crossed the road like a maniac earning many slangs on my way!
i was nervous to start a conversation, when she herself asked me how today’s paper was. from her tone, i could make out that i was not the only one distracted while writing the exam. told her it went good.
the college was vacating fast enough, for it being economics paper thee following day! for us to be left practically alone on the wet streets. usually her father or brother came to pick her up, which kept me all geared up to flee asap! but the day seemed quite a lucky one!!
soon, we began walking towards the main road. talking and chit-chatting. she seemed to be a jolly good person and not the kind of snobbish girls. a reserved guy like me felt it quite comfortable to open up and talk to her. her eyes felt very warm and soothing. the way her lips would move while talking, mesmerised me. her dressing sense was decent yet fashionable. and again i was convinced that she was THE one i was looking for. i smiled at myself.
as soon as we got to the main road, it started pouring. maybe i was too busy noticing her bright aura, that i couldn’t notice the darkening atmosphere. she instantly opened the umbrella and i tried hiding my head inside. it was all flowery and girly types. but who’d miss a chance in being that umbrella in such a downpour?! i was taller than her, and it was quite a match to hide my remaining drenched body in. she gave me an unsaid permission to take over the umbrella. i smiled again. thinking how rains can melt a girl’s heart.
the umbrella was rather small. just perfectly fit the both of us in. she awkwardly adjusted herself as i naturally took the larger side for myself. but the droplets dripping off the corners of umbrella made me shift it towards her. she smiled at me. i nearly melted down in my shoes. it is rightly said, a girl’s smile and tears can make a man do anything and everything. i was ready to do simply anything for her. a song in the pouring rain, maybe?
she probably sensed it, for my heart was almost beating in my throat. i kept quiet. so did she. just looked at me with an admiring look. silence had never spoken louder than this. i had this sudden surge of feelings towards her. she surely was THE one for me. i wanted to go on knees right then n there and ask her out. to be mine, forever.
“Pyaar jo toota saath jo chhoota
Chaand na chamkega kabhi…”
putting off the radio, i hid back my tears behind her warm smile, that lit up my spirits.
June 17, 2012 /
awesome..reminds me of someone too..but aare pudhe kay zala..write more! eager to know!