My Lastest

- Pournima Barhate
- 1 Comment
Hiding behind the computer screen..i could remember all the nights spent together..long awaited and beloved nightouts…innumerable memories lingered by..they day which i’d never remember we became three most amazing friend with the entry of this beautiful girl in my life..
she was little shy sister of one girl coming to play…who held tight onto her mother’s finger and looked around..found her totally adorable..just like a delicate doll..awaiting to be played with carefully..
a window popping on my facebook page diverted my attention and brought me back to where i was..they both sat opposite me..wondering what i was doing behind the screen…i could read a hundred questions on their faces…the all so enthu party was nowhere in sight.. it was yet to be midnight..and we had ample time to pass.. but the each passing second blew up to an hour for me…just was not a day for me, i felt..but how do i spoil my beloved’s special one either? kept inerrogating myself…and simply nodding to the walls (of fb!).. throwing some random things in the form of words off my mouth..which made practically no sense…
and saw a photo…
a photo of three of US…and remembered the craziest days spent together.. when this cute doll was now my friend and we both would go to the hill together.. chasing men-in-yellow and stalking behind them…naughty we used to be, and still are…the way we’d drop by her place to hog onto delicious food…how stomach full i’d be on the day of awesomest menu.. dabeli.. grilled sandwiches.. having coffee sitting on the swing…sitting all three at once…the wobbly low lying stool you’d sit onto, just coz we outgrown the span of that little swing we made ourselves comfortable in.. the broken handle where no one wanted to sit..n how only one made it to reach there! hehe…but the chats, talks, giggles and never ending gossip!!
soon after the ‘masala’ filled up ‘puri’ life…and we enjoyed being together all the more… lick lollies of random flavours and lollypops to make the muffled gossip all the more intriguing..
love the way when you’d just be silent and listen to the endless chatter we both would go on with…but made your presence felt and made US complete..
the idiotic khekda-sunny-man, even delights me till date..and can set me howling with laughter at any moment!
But hey, how can you forget the ‘club house’?? and our business? haha… i can still vividly see us clean that place for so many days…and use it too! you know, your house is the best place to hang out!
ugh…and the chalky ice-cream got me back to the room… they both were still looking at me…trying to figure out why i was not able to talk out…i hid even lower..they chaos in my mind overshadowed the amazing memories i wanted to talk about…detached me from them, sitting just across the table…just felt the need for them to come inside my heart and feel the warmth of my feelings for them…but the coldness of my mind surely numbed them..but both remained if nothing happened..
soon after one wicket was was just two of us left…but separated by this screen on which i’m typing now…tried so hard to start singing this medley of feeling, but just couldn’ must’ve felt i ignored you…but i had so much to share with you..tell you how much you mean to me..and how much i love you…when she won’t be here for a year, we’re meant to be even closer friends than now…but yet i appeared to be distant and aloof…
the guilt kept killing me inch by inch throughout the day..untill now, when i finally let out to you, my beloved..
February 28, 2017 /
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