My Lastest

- Pournima Barhate
- 2 Comment
Need a mood lift…she’s just a text away…need to vent out the frustration built up…she’s just a call away…want to swear at anyone…she’d sure to join in…and if i need a stroll…she’s up and willing to walk along…
I can think out loud with her…confide my deepest and darkest secrets…share the silliest joke…and cry comfortably on her shoulder…
that’s my little friend…curly hair..very fair…eyes not-so-blue…but lovely two…that person indeed are you! I met her one fine day at 6 pm…walking in with an attitude i had witnessed new..she had a mischievous look on her face..i instantly could relate to!
The endless one hours spent together playing…fighting…listening stories…singing songs…gossiping…collecting tamarinds…nightouts…and endless memories spent together under the sky.. a trip up to Neelkantheshwar…down being friends forever… probably dating back 13 years from now…haven’t we lived together for a little lifetime?
Songs of ‘that’ particular bagaLa…giggling one truck’s ‘phaayu’…trip in a double decker bus…to heart warming ice-creams with usacha ras…so many mouth watering(!) recipes…spoilt foods to add to the fun…building bridge and drawing a river in…hating drawing and tennis classes at 4, for being separated…writing silly letters…and sheer non-sense done together…
when i sit wondering how things have changed…and also remained the same…all these years…a walk and all the crazy childlike things are on spree…endless hours spent together cannot suffice the hot gossip topics…lovely presents…heart warming compliments…heart breaks…are vented out…and the walking journey is never complete…
how would have been this life without my life support? Do i owe my life to her??? she discouraged each n every thought of leaving all this n vanishing…through her i was inspired to be independent and joyful…never saw her crying but her strong heart had a weakest point…might be me…might not be…it hardly matters now…being inseparable throughout the differences from beginning is the gist!
She introduced the coffee into my tea-life…cold one i preferred…she loves it too…a walk…coffee break…and walk back is now a routine…a day without the daily updates shared, feels wrong…
she likes it a little darker…but loves it when i make tea for her…lazy Sunday afternoons, the gossiping is at its peak…sitting besides the window with tea and coffee mugs we pour our hearts out and feelings in! I am proud of this bond i have..and have begun to value it more than anything else…and when the news of she not being here for an year pinches my heart…how much ever strong i seem to look…i’m afraid to lose her for this one year…to airport i’m gonna leave her…but sure to hold her tight n cry!
planning to drop tea..n take over coffee…the way she likes it..a little dark and a little sweet…
things would remain very much normal here…but the missing her on the most gossiped roads…would be felt deeply while walking with cold coffee…
April 5, 2013 /
it is such a beautiful post!! <3!
August 14, 2019 /
Cheers to this lovely friendship 💕 beautifully expressed!