My Lastest

- Pournima Barhate
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Waiting for him on the busy road, I let my mind wander over the time we first chatted…it was a rainy afternoon..i sat in front of my PC with my very own white mug with tea! This guy whom I befriended was someone you can’t but like…I would wait everyday, same time just to see him online and chat with him…he was the long awaited friend I had dreamt of…he’d flatter me for my looks…and the confidence I had in me…maybe something which went un noticed by others..or they just didn’t feel it was necessary to look for…he bewitched me with his lovely and flattery talk…his flirting made me get carried away and imagine to go a step ahead in friendship…he had looks to die for…a handsome smile and penetrating look in his eyes…which surely had struck a chord within me…that in no time we came close…and exchanged numbers and started texting…I would tell him the happenings at college and things happening around..while he would update on his college issues and the his whereabouts! For him being too athletic he loved going cycling whenever possible…his passion intrigued me…and I was drawn even closer..
It all began when he started asking me to meet him…tho eager to face him…I tried to hold on m excitement n denied a few times..he kept nagging me with the talk-over-coffee offer…but I’d always laugh it off saying its ‘tea’ I love…he’d flatter me more saying he has started drinking tea just because I liked…times when he’d talk of having bed tea with me…he’d always make me imagine craving for him more than the tea…and talk of cuddling me and would promise never to let me go..and be by my side forever…my life seemed to have found the missing link at last…I was now eager to meet him and just be with him…and then
day….he asked me out for a cup-of-tea! I instantly accepted!
Running 5 minutes late, I adjusted my hair looking into the mirror of a car parked nearby…taking a deep breath I walked into the café…the friends who had followed me to the ‘date’ venue teased me all the while and vanished instantly seeing my dream guy waiting for me…with his eyes fixed on me…as I approached him made me feel the centre of attention…and the whole café seemed to be empty…just the two of us..staring at each other…he pulled out the chair for me…as I had once mentioned I like men who’re chivalrous…and taking that tiny bit of care to make me completely happy and make me feel like the most important person in the world…he kept looking at me as I shifted uncomfortably, to avoid his gaze for too long…the first few minutes went in an awkward silence…when I just blurted out mentioning we had at last managed a meet up…he started off praising me and my looks all over again…but this time right on my face…he said possessed a lovely pair of eyes and he loved my smile…i smiled and had probably turned pink when he stopped praising me at last…n asked me how it feels to be with him…I considered that to be a rather vague question and tossed it off saying its interesting meeting virtual friends…but inside me I was bubbling with excitement of confronting the guy of my dreams sitting just across the table…he ordered a pair of tea cups and decided to make it for me…he placed four cubes of sugar and stirred it gently making sure not to make the tangling sound…keeping his eyes fixed on me…he went on talking…after nearly 2 minutes of custom made tea he had specially prepared for me, he slid over my mug and began talking passionately trying to catch up with the years that had passed by while he never heard of me…
I took the first sip…n what disaster…the tea was too sweetened…I wanted to put it away at once…but the efforts he had taken for preparing the perfect tea for me, made me struggle through the extremely sweet tea…had I rated him down in my ‘tea-o-meter’? I thanked myself for gulping down the tea and continued talking with him…he seemed to be super glad to be going on talking with me…he amused me beyond limits and his charismatic personality drew me towards him even with a failed attempt at making perfect tea for me…we were so engrossed in talking that an hour that passed seemed like we’d just walked in…with so many things left unsaid…he proceeded in paying the bills…remember the chivalrous behavior we talked of? We merrily walked out of the café and decided to meet up almost every alternate day…
I had experienced the sweetness ..
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