My Lastest

- Pournima Barhate
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Since many days i wished to write.. But my dearest diary was just out of reach.. So writing here..
Things i thought would never happen to anyone in my surroundings happened..Things we avoid talking of.. The things we think are far beyond our reach.. the encounter with those have major impact on our life and our perspective towards what is called ‘life’.. they say it right that life teaches lessons the hard way, and when i am not in the mood to be taught…but am forced to do so…then when i think again if life really is so miserable, i find myself amidst these beautiful twinkling stars in the darkness…they remind me of the beauty that still exists in the darkness..and it is in this silence that one can hear their heartbeats clearly…with every beat I’m encouraged to take a step behind…the most amazing feeling of being alive is far beyond words…during the moments when i feel that my heart has stopped beating, the void that is created makes time stand still and a weird feeling gripped me…i wondered if i was still alive or not..a profound silence…no stars in sight…no heart to guide…and then you reach a point where i really doubt my existence…has the moment passed by? did i really manage to do it? how much ever i try to widen my horizons i just couldn’t see around…which place was i in? the moments of happiness pricked me like a thousand thorns in this darkness…family…friends…
who love me more than i could ever imagine…would this last step beyond their knowledge be unfair for their unconditional love for me? how come selfishness rule over at such critical times? are the shimmering stars forgotten? is this the darkness before a beautiful sunrise that would set my heart pumping? would the coldness within vanish at the touch of the first warm sun-rays?? would i feel ‘life’ again…and say yet again that, “Happiness pulses with every beat of my heart…?!” :’)
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