My Lastest

- Pournima Barhate
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each time it rains, i happen to go on a trip down the memory lane…the memories of seeing him for the first time feel so fresh…as if the rain washed off the dust on the roads of past…
rains give a mixed feeling…brings forth the bitter sweet memories…the sweet memories somehow overshadow the bitter ones…lucky i am to experience so…
it feels as if it just happened yesterday…when i met him for the first time…can’t really call it a date…but at the back of my mind i always had wished, we’d have spent some more time together that day…
i feel those 5 minutes were more than eternity…i had never really believed in love at first sight…but he made me experience so…how i wished at that time he was single…n i ask him out that very moment…down on my knees with a velvety red rose in my hand…right in the middle of the crossroad…where we met…only to have him…in my life forever…
those rains tempted me to go out on a long drive with him…talk to him…know him well…let him know me…ask him about his life……
.hobbies…his life…n what not…
in those mere 5 minutes…i wanted to talk for the times we did not met…those 5 minutes seemed more important than any damn thing happening around on earth at that time…being with him in the pouring rains, was the icing on the cake…
life seemed so very simple and great to have him in front of me…the perfect combination of what i’d have called my ideal match!
was the reason for meeting just an excuse to see him in real?
my virtual friend, standing in front of me was unbelievable…n moreover if you’d fall in love with that person, what could have been better?
i have met people who had a bad experience with their virtual friends, and maybe at the back of my mind…i happened to expect the same…
i somehow had managed to get out of the first heartbreak…and this guy seemed more understanding than i had imagined any guy to be…if you ask me, i won’t really open up to strangers…but he didn’t seem to be one in the first place…as if i knew him since ages…
i still find it hard to recall those exact emotions or feelings…when i actually met him…but practically…the only thing i remember was…going blank…
as if i was dreaming…as if the chaotic road suddenly went so silent…that i could hear only his heartbeats in sync with mine…the moment i felt like i had found my soul-mate…as if my search for a life partner came to an end…with the start of all new life…the life which would only be good…he’d be happy…i’d be happy…together we’d be happy…happy than we’d have ever been…
i felt like asking him where he was till now…and how come he walked into my life when i needed him the most…but now i feel…some things are better not asked..n even better are the things that are not answered…makes it more interesting to seek the answers as moments and times pass by…a new meaning for love each day…and life seems more interesting than ever…
i never really knew what feeling he had for me…but the gaze in his eyes was something i dream of each night…he spoke volume without words…
an aimless talk about my first encounter with love…would make me fall in love with him all over again…i consider myself one of the luckiest girl, to have found my true love at such an early age…i won’t end up with a note that we’d remain the same n stuff…i know we’d be great together…but i really hope everyone gets to experience the feeling…of falling in love…at the very first sight feels like!
they say…the best memories in the world have no words to describe…the memories of those 5 minutes…i shared with you are some of them!
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