My Lastest

- Pournima Barhate
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It was 4 o’clock when i received his sms asking, or rather suggesting “6pm sounds great, right!”
We had decided to meet up “to-exchange-books” and have some snacks… N of course some talk!
I reached before time and waited eagerly for him to come, as for me I did consider that to be a short and sweet “date”!!! My very first date! I walked up and down the road staring at every bike that passed, wishing to see him! Nervously, I dialed few numbers on my mobile and managed only to give missed calls to my buddies, in turn lowering my tension(!).
Then at last he came, on his wonderful red bike! WOW! My hovering eyes were fixed on him at last! I was beyond glad to see him before me!
He wore a bright red t-shirt which matched his bike, his very own and distinct thick-black-bordered specs.. His fair face with black specs! They suited him really well… N his personality was what I always admired!
I liked him that way!
He had a beige coloured, rather a shabby bag hung across his shoulders, which reached quite low! But trust me when i say, he looked so smart!!! A bag i’d end up buying amongst thousands of fancy bags! (if at all i go for shopping…) He also wore a wooden beaded bracelet, which according to me was so damn cool! In all, a perfect guy I wished to hang around with! ^^
He came near me giving a friendly smile n shook hands! I nearly melted down in my shoes! My legs went as weak as noodles in ‘tar’ plate! I managed to smile back gathering myself together… He asked me how i was and some formal lines were exchanged!
I became a bit more comfortable in his company. I returned him his book which i had borrowed a month back, and in tern got a new one to read! I gave him two bookmarks as a matter of gratitude (or rather, just to show off the ‘so-called’ creativity, n to let him know MY field of interest!!) 😉
I was overjoyed seeing him appreciate them!! I tried to match the colour of bookmarks with the book’s cover! One happened to be his favorite colour! Blue… Same as mine! 😉 He gave me the book he brought along. I nearly grabbed it greedily and stuffed it into my bag. Just like a small kid who’d stuff sweets into his pockets!
He asked me what was served best at that place… Before i could utter a word, he told me, “I have exams next week, so something that won’t upset my tummy!” 😛
“How about sandwiches?!”
“That’d be great!..I’d order them!”
He went to the counter, n paid for both of us! How perfect, I thought! True gentleman, i felt! But i didn’t wanted to look foolish, and hence offered him the money of my share. He gave me a sweet and confused look, but readily accepted the money! Unlike my expectation, that he’d deny! I felt the ten rupees notes slip from my hands!
As i was standing idle, till he returned with the order placed, something unexpected happened! My dad’s colleague!!!
“OH CRAP!!!” I nearly shrieked! He was accompanied by another guy from his office, both who knew me so well!
THAT time it dawned upon me that, i had managed to lie that i was going to my friend’s place for some chit-chat! I felt terribly uneasy, in spite of being with the most amazing guy! :-/
My mind started imagining terrible things that could happen, if these guys might meet my mom…
I hurried back home, without a formal goodbye! I abruptly vanished from the place, just to find out, the two men i jsut saw, talking with my mom!
I froze…
Seeing my reaction, those two just smiled at me, and continued talking about the office work!
My first date, actually ended as perfectly as it started!!! ^^
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