My Lastest

- Pournima Barhate
- 3 Comment
I stood alone in the room of silence,
Waiting for someone to come and say;
Lets go out and enjoy the sunshine,
And live to the fullest , the moment today…
The room grew darker and my heart went weak,
My mind was full of thousand if’s;
Would anyone come? Will they speak?
What if they just pass by, without noticing me…
To the slightest noise my ears would tell,
Someone approaching, there’s nothing to worry;
But into the darkness I’d wait till eternity,
Thinking, and thinking, and thinking till the end…
Why was it that I always would fail,
To separate, between footsteps or dried leaves,
When I leave them thinking they’re dried leaves,
Why do I miss out that person in search of ‘ME’?
The simple things are those which make me wonder,
Where do I belong to,the palace or ‘that’ heart?
To choose the heart might harm my palace;
The other way round would leave me nowhere.
Suddenly the empty room was full of questions;
Some I entertained, the others were invisible!
Every question demanded for an answer,
I assured them, and began to ponder …
‘They’ seemed to be satisfied but not the ‘responder’;
The moment they left, a thought crept over;
Pointing the fact to me, that I was in the dark,
How was it then, possible for ‘Him’ to spot me there?
I, at the back of my mind only waited for my Angel,
Who’d bring along with him the brightest smile!
The one which will clear all the confusion,
And make a dawn of happiness and make me sure!
I saw a light flickering in the corner of the room,
The one which waited till it was his turn!
I asked him why he’d not found his way through,
The questions for which I had nothing to say!
He smiled and grew even brighter,
Till the room and I were full of laughter!
He said, that it’s good for health, to throw out the bad;
Out of one’s system, and indulge ‘him’ to be healthy!
I was confused, n asked him if he was a doctor,
He denied, saying he was much more!
Like a placebo, with sweetness till the core,
Just a sight of him was the fastest cure!
I asked him where he was all these days,
He said, he remained deep inside me, hidden,
Till my eyes, which were really in need,
Could see him standing, amidst the chaos!
While parting(?), when I asked him his name,
He made me look in the mirror,
And what a ‘miracle’ it happened to be!!…
“The “flame” is within ‘ME’!! “
January 31, 2009 /
Hmmm…quite a “bharri” poem…in both senses of the word…!!! A very different attempt than ur other poems…and glad to say tht u have succeeded in it as well…Proud of u,my dear! 🙂
February 14, 2009 /
Good one there Moony… very nice.. do keep it up.. (:
March 10, 2009 /
its really nice….bt i shoked when u told me abt urpoems…
bt really fantastic..