My Lastest

- Pournima Barhate
- 9 Comment
When I’ll be gone,it won’t really matter,
The days will hardly make you wonder.
Where are the most irritating miss?
And even stupid messages you’ll miss!
When I’ll be gone,you’ll remember everything,
My desperate wanting to meet you,
The broadest smile to greet you,
And the not so silent tears shed for you!
When I’ll be gone,I hope you’d ponder over
Why ‘He’ chose us to meet?
Why she left you,and nothing seemed sweet?
If you really loved me,will it be just the same?
When I’ll be gone,you’ll be glad,
That she at least is there somewhere,
But as for me, while you read this,
Would be vanished from the map of the world!
When I’ll be gone,you’ll go to the hill,
You’ll search for that small rock,
Where once you and me sat upon;
You’ll sit still imagining my smile,
But,only to realize that…I’m gone!
When I’ll be gone,you’ll need that friend,
With whom you talked for hours late night,
To whom you poured your heart out!
The one who silently listened to you!
When I’ll be gone,memories will linger by,
The long drive in heavy rains;
The long walk early in the morning,
All that was and all that had been!
When I’ll be gone,
you’ll hold your phone,
Looking at the screen you’re sure to,
Remember,a silly girl who waited for a “miss you too!”
When I’ll be gone,you’ll visit my house,
Ask my mom for my dear room.
Looking around you’ll feel ‘me’;
But are you sure,you’ll really miss me?
When I’ll be gone,you’ll open my closet,
While looking around a book will fall down,
Pick it up,for it’ll be my beloved diary!
Down in those pages lies my memory!
When I’ll be gone,you’ll shed a tear,
As i believe, people also cry reading novels,
But this is no novel,but my life,
Which will always gonna be by your side!
I felt I’d never deserved your love,
I also failed to convey what i felt,
You took me for granted, and now,
When i have you, I myself am gone!!
November 3, 2008 /
very touchin…. i didnt know u write poems?? hehehe cho chweet, i am glad you have depth to what u write, very sweeeeet :), keep writin and now u have a fan on ur blog 🙂
November 3, 2008 /
Hey….cool poem!! Very…deep and touches u somewhere in the heart…coz I guess everyone can identify oneself somewhere thru out the poem..I sure did!! Thanx for tht feeling…
November 3, 2008 /
hey really very very touchy poem full of emotions….btw r u gng sumwer???hehe just kidding…..
acc to me its the best poem written by u uptill now……
anyways conti ur good work….
aftwards we’ll publish a book on ur poems…..what say???
November 7, 2008 /
well how do i relly begin?……dis one touches ma heart straight!!!….its gr8…it brought tears to my eyes!! i cud relate to it very easily….v touchy v nice simple yet havin meanin to it!!
keep up ur gud work darlin dats all i can say after readin dis 1!
November 23, 2008 /
you are amazing girle… expressed it really wel..hats off to you ……..i will keep this with me forever
March 10, 2009 /
best… heart touching..
sorrry bt no mre words..
thanks 4 this
August 11, 2009 /
chati chirli mazi hi poem wachun !
November 15, 2009 /
I never read so touching poem….
Don't leave me ever.
Thats all I got to say!
February 28, 2010 /
hmmmm awesome!