My Lastest

- Pournima Barhate
- 2 Comment
I woke up at the break of dawn,
Earlier than any day that passed!
Only to realize it was a holiday,
After many hectic weeks,this day I possessed!
Yet I got up early that morn,
To stretch my day a little long,
I brushed my teeth,n took a piece-o-paper,
And began to pen down the thoughts on my mind!
I had so much to do in that very day,
Play with my dog,spend time with loved ones,
Observe the nature,and its beauty in simplicity!
The rains outside, and me with a cup-o-tea!
I watched through the window,
The rain pouring down with speed!
Washing the webs of boredom,
And filled the air with joy and laughter!
I then grabbed the nearest book,n began reading,
Something like this i was always needing,
As the rain took turns,the story followed it,
What a pleasure it gives one,while he’s reading!
I meditated, at last the first time after i made,
All those resolutions which had always failed!
Called up those friends who always waited,
To talk to their old friend,whom they called BUSY BEE!
Watched movies, listened to songs,
Recalled the memories that lay at the back of my mind!
Time seemed to stand still,to watch my joy!
Drenched in the rain like kids,jumping in the pools of mud!
came to a conclusion about my life,
In spite of all BIG things around,
One must stand still and look about!
As, sometimes the racing water on streets,
Is better than the races one leads!
Mom was shocked to see me sit still,
For she had always wished me to relieve my childhood!
How i wish it’d happen so,n the same day goes on,
But alas,there is end to every show!!!
November 3, 2008 /
Very nice…and understandable! 😛 I’d just add a borrowed comment “What is this life,if full of care…we have no time to stand and stare!!” I guess tht pretty much sums up ur essence of the poem…cheers to ur writing!!
May 21, 2009 /
pana this one is beautiful especially the last line…that’s like the crowning glory of your poem