My Lastest

- Pournima Barhate
- 4 Comment
They both traveled on the same road,
Each one carrying their own load!
Both of them thought the other should talk,
Throughout the road, silently they had to walk!
The weather was pleasant, the wind blew,
They both refused to have a friend, all new!
Though they had to sit together for lunch,
They opened their own bags n began to munch!
They avoided the eye contact they once made,
Why the smiles from their faces had to fade?
Were they strangers, or were they not;
The temperature around them surely grew hot!
Uncomfortably her hand went to her purse,
She took out something she’d treasured for years!
Looking at that small piece of paper she burst,
Into tears, by which, back then her heart was bruised!
Unknowingly she looked into his eyes,
Which once seemed only full of lies;
She was back into the times she wept,
The day, that was, from her life he left!
But destiny as always, had something else in mind!
Which made each of them feel one of a kind!
He thought over the issue that took place,
Which made her hit in his face!
He tried harder n harder, but no clue,
What was the reason for that, he never knew!
That indeed was an early realization,
He recalled that train, that stood on station.
He remembered how hard it was to bid goodbye,
After hearing she hated him, which he knew was a lie!
Days, months even years passed by,
Both of them carried in their hearts, this bitter lie!
Time made them meet again on the same station,
To get out of their hearts, that bitter emotion!
By the sudden shower they were back in reality;
She, even with her wrinkled face, managed to look pretty!
Though his eyesight had grown weak by now,
He couldn’t help himself saying, looking at her, ‘Wow!’
Her blushing face was something he always would miss,
And now that he saw her at last, he was in BLISS!
The rain had done its job, n now they’ll realize,
It was time, yet again for a brand new sunrise!
September 1, 2008 /
a nice revelation and twist !!
good work miss 😉
October 17, 2008 /
its amazing!
November 3, 2008 /
Hyala phakt ekach line…Think u’ll smile over this…hi poem vachun ekach vichar ala manaat… “Hey bhalte avghad aste…” 🙂
November 7, 2008 /
hey dis 1 wid so mch twist can be made up as a
grand yashraj film!!!!